Impact of a high rainfall event on the water level, current velocity, and total suspended solids in tidal flats environments of the estuarine Cruces River wetland, south-central Chile Descargar
Recovery of black-necked swans, macrophytes and water quality in a Ramsar wetland of southern Chile: Assessing resilience following sudden anthropogenic disturbances Descargar
Environmental processes, water quality degradation, and decline of waterbird populations in the Río Cruces wetland, Chile Descargar
Trace Metals in Microcrustaceans and Brazilian Waterweed from a Contaminated Chilean Wetland Using Total Reflection X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry Descargar
Emigration and Mortality of Black-necked Swans (Cygnus melancoryphus) and Disappearance of the Macrophyte Egeria densa in a Ramsar Wetland Site of Southern Chile Facultad de Ciencias Inicio Presentación Biblioteca Publicaciones Informes Presentaciones Tésis Videoteca Otros Humedales Data Facultad de Ciencias Menu Inicio Presentación Biblioteca Publicaciones Informes Presentaciones Tésis Videoteca Otros Humedales Data Facultad de Ciencias Emigration and Mortality of Black-necked Swans (Cygnus melancoryphus) and Disappearance of the Macrophyte Egeria densa in a Ramsar Wetland Site of Southern Chile Descargar archivo
Tidal flats of recent origin: distribution and sedimentological characterization in the estuarine Cruces River wetland, Chile Descargar
Dietary habits of the black-necked swan Cygnus melancoryphus (Birds: Anatidae) and variability of the aquatic macrophyte cover in the Río Cruces wetland, southern Chile Descargar
Ecosystem processes, management and human dimension of tectonically-infl uenced wetlands along the coast of central and southern Chile Descargar